market value catalogmarket value catalog

Should businesses use lower cost or market value catalog?

When a company first starts to market its products or services, it has to invest a lot of time and money in developing a market value catalog and strategy. From postcards to social media, every channel has to be explored in order to reach as many potential customers as possible. The challenge is that many small businesses do not have the budget to invest in marketing strategies until they start seeing some revenue.

In order to save money and increase their profits, some businesses resort to using a lower cost marketing option. An alternative marketing strategy is to use your company’s existing value.

In this article, we look at the pros and cons of using your company’s value as an alternative marketing strategy.

What is value marketing?

Value marketing is a strategy where the company uses its existing product value to market and advertise their business. For example, if you have a high-quality product, you can use your existing products to show potential customers what they are missing out on.

Value marketing is an affordable way for companies to get their marketing efforts off the ground without spending too much money. For example, if a company has a new iced drink, they could send it to various cafes and see how the drink sells before investing in expensive advertising campaigns.

The downside of this approach is that customers might not find your products as valuable as you think they are. If a customer orders a coffee at Starbucks and sees that your iced drink costs $2 more than theirs, they might not be interested at all in trying your product.

When should businesses use value marketing?

There are many reasons why a business would choose to use value marketing. One reason is that they want to save money on marketing until they start seeing revenue. Using your company’s value can be a cheaper alternative for smaller businesses that do not have a lot of extra cash to spend on marketing strategies.

Another reason why some businesses resort to using their company’s products as the focus of their marketing strategy is because it taps into the power of word of mouth advertising and referrals, which leads to more sales.

Value marketing can also be used when you need to reach people who are not looking for your product or service but may be interested in other items from your company. This type of marketing may also help you get more customers who need your particular product or service, which would lead to increased revenues in the long-term.

But there are some drawbacks too:

What are the benefits of using value marketing?

If you’re interested in getting the word out about your company, but lack the budget to invest in marketing, you can use your company’s existing value as an alternative marketing strategy.

There are many benefits to using this type of approach. First, you don’t have to spend money on producing additional materials for this marketing strategy. You can also use social media and email marketing for free or at a low cost.

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What are some drawbacks to using value marketing?

The main drawback is that if customers don’t know about your business, they won’t be able to take advantage of the lower prices or quality products. If the customer doesn’t know about your company’s products or services, they may believe that it is a low-quality option.

What are the downsides of using value marketing?

One of the downsides of using value marketing is that you may end up with a generic web presence. Generic web presences don’t tend to inspire engagement or drive conversions. You may also find that your business doesn’t have a lot of value to offer in order to attract customers.

Another downside is that you could spend a lot of time, energy, and money on low-cost marketing strategies, but still not reach your goals. For example, if you’re trying to sell a product online and not getting any sales, it may be because the price is too high for your target demographic. If this is the case, then dividing your budget between multiple lower cost marketing strategies will not help much.

Finally, some small businesses don’t have enough content or expertise to create an engaging website on their own. Using content created by other people will make it difficult for you to establish an authoritative voice.


Value marketing is a process that allows businesses to sell their products at a lower price than the market value of the product. Businesses who use this strategy do so to attract new customers and sell their product more quickly. The main goal of value marketing is to get products in the hands of customers quickly and at a lower price than the market value. The benefits of using this strategy are that it allows businesses to get products in the hands of customers quickly and at a lower price which may increase sales. The downside is that not every customer has enough capital to purchase the product at a lower price.

By Venky M